5 Technology Trends That Will Impact Fashion Industry
Since the proliferation of digitization and extensive use of technology, the fashion industry has skyrocketed with number of innovations coming in and has become more digitally focused. As most of the retailers are getting into terms with eCommerce retailing, there is a steep increase in amount of customer retention and user experience. Fashion and technology are forming an amazing bond and the innovation that is taking place at their intersection is amazing and transformative.
As we can see that, Fashion industry is not the same as it was 10 years ago. The tech aspects have changed immensely and it is expected to change even more in the coming years. Technology has fine tuned the fashion industry upside down and made it more accessible to a large spectrum of customers. It has provided all your favorite designs and brands and made fashion accessible more than ever believed.
The amalgamation of fashion and technology, especially mobile technology has made the developers and even the users believe that nothing is outside their realms of possibility. The designs are emerging regularly and for the suppliers, inventory management and sales research has become more decisive and can be done from anywhere. Mobile technology has made the process of customer engagement more real-time thus transforming the fashion industry from tip to toe.
With such prolific transformations, it becomes quite appropriate to take an insightful look as how technology has energized the fashion industry and has made it more accessible and customer friendly.
The Rise of Wearables
Wearables by far have been instrumental in blurring the line between tech and fashion. The inception of Google Glasses and Smartwatches has been the rudimentary steps into the realm of wearable technology. It has also kick started a trend of smart fabrics that can give the users all the comforts and also alter their color or texture according to the environment.
Also the fabrics of the future will invisibly and seamlessly incorporate biofeedback to support and enhance user’s health and wellness. Wearables will make the fashion fabrics more dynamic so that they can be an active and interactive resource and will deal in with the user’s health more comprehensively.
Enhancing Branding All the Way
With the advent of mobile technology, fashion industry has received a huge bonus as social media has become a successful media for branding. As social media is free and has the widest range, so advertising becomes easy, from Facebook shares to Pintrest pins. And, we all know that the more the product or the brand is shared, the more customers will it potentially gain.
Technology will give your brand a unique identity and also a perfect launching platform so that your potential customers will start noticing you thus increasing the chance of them become your loyal buyers. The enriched user experience given by the recent technology advancements has also helped the fashion marketers with customer retention. With mobile technology, the in-store app experience has magically increased as the dedicated apps transform the fashion experience in an interactive and immersive manner.
Increasing Spontaneous Fashion Shopping
As far as Fashion Industry is concerned, Technology makes the consumers inspired and also drives them to purchase things that make their hearts flutter instantly. With state-of-art image recognition technologies available, the shoppers can find the things that they like by just clicking a photo with their smartphones or scan the image with the device they are carrying. For example, if you are walking on the street and you find an amazing handbag or scarf, you just need to take a picture and everything else will be done by the mobile application that is dedicated to this specific service which involves finding the details and the cost of the specific product.
These kinds of visual searches in the Fashion industry with the help of mobile technology will provide a much easier way to the customers to get what they want.
Augmented and Virtual Reality
The past year was all about AR and VR and many tech pundits have labeled them as the Future Pillars of Technology for years to come. Stats also show that fashion stores that have AR displays or VR changing rooms have more than 70% chance of making the potential customers their buyers. These ground breaking technologies will not only allow the customers to select the garment but also allow them to try it out physically making their shopping experience even more comprehensive. The real life experience will compel the users to buy the garments on a more regular basis and also be précis with their shopping.
With Virtual Reality at the fore, customers can view different type of outfits with a simple swipe and the retailers are also at ease with the measurements so as to ensure the customers gets the perfect size every time. From the production point of view, VR allows the fashion designers to create better clothes as it provides a full 360 degree look at the time of designing. In addition to this, the inculcation of AR and VR leads to better store experience and also include the surprise element for the customers.
Also read: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – What you want to know and how it differs
Ease of Accessibility
Apart from enhancing their brand presence, mobile technology has taken the accessibility of the fashion products to a whole new level. With a plethora of solely dedicated fashion apps available in the market, the users can directly know the latest trend surrounding the market and can directly take tips from the masters themselves. There is a 24*7 availability of fashion brands at the fingertips of the users where they can compare products and also get vital advices.
Moreover, the budding Fashion entrepreneurs will get all the cool tips and hacks that are needed to survive the competition from the gurus so that they can re-evaluate their strategies at the very beginning. Also the apps will provide more personalized shopping experience to the customers as they can get the exact product which they need by directly consulting their stylist. These methods will make the customers come back and also revolutionize the method of shopping.
Final Words:
Getting crafted is an art and with the help of technology, this art can leverage all possible resources. Fashion Industry has experienced a steep increase since the advent of mobile technology and has redefined it in all positive aspects. The sense of styling and research work going into the fashion industry has also found a synchronized way to plot in their customers specifically and hit the targeted areas on a more frequent basis.

Pratik Gothaliya
Pratik Gothaliya is the Founder and CTO of Quest Infosense, A web & Mobile app development company. Pratik has accomplished over 9 years of experience in the software industry. Being an integral part of the company he assures uncluttered functionality for service or products development to clients. he promptly stands with unparalleled accomplishment for his clients and people.
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