20 Oct 2015
You should probably know that every app developer, or iPhone app development company, out there is making sincere consideration to update their apps, if any existing, for new iPhones and iOS9. If you are a business yet to outsource your app developme
Read More25 Aug 2015
The proliferation of smart mobile devices over the last decade has given rise to an app-driven society. Staggering but true, today consumers spend more time on their mobile apps than ever before. As a matter of fact, mobile web surfing as declined as
Read More20 Aug 2015
This post presents some of the most popular and successful iPhone apps of 2014 that were built by the greenhorns. Wondering was it their marketing talent, experience or strong determination that won them success? Read on to get your answer. Let’s f
Read More20 Jul 2015
Google’s initiative to BLE Beacons Recently, on 14th July 2015, Google rolled out ‘Eddystone’, which is an open-source BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacon format. This new platform is anticipated to give tough market competition to Apple’s iBea
Read More13 Apr 2015
Are you brainstorming for a great idea for your next iPhone app development project? After evaluating some most popular iPhone apps that have seen highest number of downloads so far, I came to know about some common characteristics in all most succes
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