The Best Programming Languages for Mobile App Development
The universal smartphone market will reach an incredibly 1.84 billion units in 2020 (with a 5% surge from 1.44 billion units shipped in 2016), which obviously calls for a massive mobile app revolution in the years to come. No business group can seepage the digital marketing landscape and has to anyhow step into the mobile app word to touch to the global audience.
That said, for each app owner, each mobile app developer, selecting a programming language for the mobile app project is a tough and crucial choice because a programming language can either lead to an outstanding accomplishment or a giant disaster.
Fortunately, we have you saved! According to your app type, requirements and the kind of performance you imagine from your app, we’ve listed the top programming languages. An important tip: for a virtuous looking, flawless, professional and profitable app, consider getting it developed by a capable mobile app development company. You will always be on the bright side.
Let’s see what technology wins for your app.
Undisputed winner of IT, Java is the base of many projects and the lifeline of most standard Google’s operating system, Android. Java is the potential select for native Android app development because of the several features it comes with. Object-oriented programming, rich APIs, open source libraries, powerful integrated development environment (IDE) are a few to mention.
With a vibrant and extensible platform, Java runs much earlier like native machine languages.
Swift is the game-changer for iOS mobile app development. Though Object-C is immobile loved by many, developers and app possessors are gravitating towards the swiftness of Swift for their iPhone app. Easy-to-comprehend, with fewer bequest conventions, Swift is written in legible English with a simple syntax; no nesting of brackets and semicolons.
One of the ultimate aids of using Swift for iOS development is Playgrounds, agreeing developers to run any type of code snippet without recompiling and fixing errors to see a result on the emulator. It’s so rapid with a strong typing mechanism.
Swift is more readable – extremely adored by native iOS developers. With an automated memory management system, app owners can reflect of a smoother and faster internal storage and rectification of recall leaks. It assures a flashing future for iPhone app development.
Objective-C was selected by Apple as the primary programming language for iOS app development due to its robustness and scalability. Coming from the family of C language, Objective-C performs all the functions of an object-oriented programming language and has a dynamic runtime.
HTML5 + JavaScript
While Java, Swift, Objective-C are used to shape the same old native mobile platform-dependent apps, separately for Android, iOS, Windows, we have some ultimate selections for developing cross-platform applications that can run the same code on each platform. HTML5 is the proposed usual here.
In fact, HTML5+JavaSCript is a matchless mixture for hybrid app development. JavaScript mobile UI frameworks like Ionic (based on HTML5) is one of the most recently favored for developing hybrid apps. With Ionics’s platform continuity, the apps look and feel at home on every device. This JS framework is also used for developing liberal web apps.
To meet the many needs of business through mobile apps, there is no right or wrong selection concerning a programming language. Each of the directly above languages has their own benefits in the mobile world. As mentioned earlier, get your app developed from experienced hands and take skilled consulting from a dedicated development agency. With this information of programming language, you can confidently get the best app built.
At Quest Infosense, we have a huge pool of developers skilled in latest technology and tools in mobile app development. You are certain to get an innovative, top-notch solution. We’d be prepared to assist you.

Pratik Gothaliya
Pratik Gothaliya is the Founder and CTO of Quest Infosense, A web & Mobile app development company. Pratik has accomplished over 9 years of experience in the software industry. Being an integral part of the company he assures uncluttered functionality for service or products development to clients. he promptly stands with unparalleled accomplishment for his clients and people.
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