The 5 best new Windows 10 features

3 Aug 2015

The much-awaited Microsoft Windows 10 has been finally rolled out on July 29, 2015. Amidst all the anticipations and buzz it has just created in the technology world, I would say it is just the ‘perfect’ set-off of Windows 7’s dependability and the touchscreen facility of Windows 8.

This latest OS launched by the software giant Microsoft has brought in a pack of new, cool features. Wondering what are they? Keep reading then.

Here are the 5 new features in Microsoft Windows 10 that truly stand out.

The Refreshed Start Menu

Let’s face it, we all hated it when Microsoft removed the start menu in Windows 8 in 2012. In its most recent release, the company has re-introduced the start button, in a new avatar though. Using this redefined start menu in Windows, you can now quickly get back to recently used apps, immediately go to the file explorer and get a quick access to the power controls. The new start menu in windows 10 is a blend of the conventional menu from windows 7 and the live tiles’ UI overhaul of Windows 8.

Edge Browser finally replaced the IE

Microsoft finally realized that the internet explorer (IE) no longer exists into the web browsers’ list. And hence, the company has introduced a new web browser in the Windows 10, which is known as ‘Edge’ to end users and called ‘Project Spartan’ in the official terminology. This new browser flaunts a sleek design and most importantly it is faster!

Cortana – Microsoft’s digital assistance

Cortona is one of the most attention-grabbing features of windows 10 updates. This is the first time the company has launched a voice controlled virtual assistance for the desktop systems, while it exists on windows phone and tablets for a while. This feature is a market rival of Apple’s Siri and Google Now. With this update, the company has made its digital assistance accessible to tens of millions of people out there worldwide.

Continuum Mode – Switch to desired UI Mode

While the software giant firmly believe that single OS for desktop and tablet devices makes a complete sense, they have taken a big move to ensure optimal performance of UI. With continuum mode in Windows 10, now you can easily switch between the desktop UI (keyboard and mouse) and tablet (fully touchscreen) UI in hybrid (convertible) devices.

It’s Free!

Yes, you heard me right. Microsoft offers free upgrade to Windows 10 to all existing, non-commercial users with Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The release of Windows 10 is a part of Microsoft’s vision of a universal operating system for all devices; according to experts, this is one of the ways the company is trying to ensure its supremacy on software market, which witnesses tough competition by Apple and Google. Also, this is a next-generation technology for brilliant user experience.

So much excited to get Windows 10 into your device? Well, if you don’t want to wait till the company pushes an update release to your system, you can download the OS from here – Windows 10 download page.

To sum up, Windows 10 has brought in a fresh, enhanced and hi-end version of the next-generation operating system that perform alike on PCs and tablets.


Pratik Gothaliya

Pratik Gothaliya is the Founder and CTO of Quest Infosense, A web & Mobile app development company. Pratik has accomplished over 9 years of experience in the software industry. Being an integral part of the company he assures uncluttered functionality for service or products development to clients. he promptly stands with unparalleled accomplishment for his clients and people.


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